Fridays, 2:30PM EST
Kandi Rose was a former stripper & prostitute who had multiple addictions of alcohol, drugs, pornography, lust & gambling. She once owned her own Strip-O-Gram business in the Chicago area having not only female but male strippers as well. She advertised her business called, ‘Kandi Rose Productions”, on billboard, radio, cable tv, newspapers and yellowpages.
Surviving date rape, gang rape, incest from her own father, and kidnapped at knife point in urban Chicago prepared Kandi to minister God’s word through a pure heart of compassion and eyes of understanding.
Kandi Rose loves to minister in her calling of Evangelist to congregations about the love, power & forgiveness of her Savior, Jesus! She shares a little of her testimony then brings the Word of God, always giving altar calls.
Prior to her transformation she signed herself into a government run treatment center, twice. Evangelist Kandi Rose now has 31 yrs. free, thanks to the only higher power, Jesus Christ. She committed her life to Jesus, at the leading of her mother over the phone.
After her conversion she worked for N.I.C.A.S.A. Northern Illinois Counsel Alcohol Substance Abuse as an Outreach Worker & later, Intake Coordinator.
She is a credentialed minister, author of 6 books that are on Amazon. She now has an over the air weekly radio show, Addiction Free, on KJBN 1050AM.
In the beginning of 2013 she started her first TV program on channel 6, cable access, that aired in the Morrilton, Ar. area.
Now thanks to the favor of God and along with the compassionate board members and generous partners, the ministry has been able to enlarge their viewing audience, broadcasting on 7 TV Networks, over 200 million homes.
She also produces & Hosts a podcast, Addiction Free, on SoundCloud. All praise to God as he’s also enabled her to become a documentary film producer as well interviewing several Christian recording artists who have been set free by Christ giving their addiction free testimonies and inserting their music videos in the film.